Sunday, March 7, 2010

DAY 41: I did my eyebrows and everything!

O-Kaaaayy……this morning SUCKED. I’m Tired!

Because of Rich’s, I got to bed at 2a and woke up at 730a. That’s only 5.5 hrs… NOT enough.

My first appointment was at 9am, so I got to the office early today…and he was a NO SHOW! Can you believe that?

I did my eyebrows and everything!

However, I did not lose the lesson in the moment. Even though I was embarrassed in front of Jim (if you don’t know who Jim is, you’ve got some catching up to do), he asked me about my Cancellation Policy!

What cancellation policy? I don’t have one….until an hour later when my next client walked in and signed my newly written cancellation policy!

See Jayson? You’re learning!

My 2nd appointment was from Top of the Park, and he is a very nice guy. He seemed to LOVE his massage, and he’s coming back in 2 weeks….gotta keep my clients, gotta keep my clients, gotta keep my clients….

I had some clerical trouble with printing and processing his credit card and all, but I finally worked my way through it all.

I still have a workout coming up later in the day…my last workout of Level One. Mr. Trainer is going to “rock my world” with all new stuff on Monday! Ahh! I’m scared!

I look at the crazy things some of these guys do to themselves in the gym…rolling pushups on giant barbells…Serpentine pushup sequences….Scary stuff!

I think I said it in the last blog, but I am SO excited for Monday’s “Weigh In!” I know I started out the week a little rough by pouting over my small weight loss and overeating, but I’ve taken responsibility, corrected my mistake, and worked REALLY hard!

And I can feel my body changing really fast! Woo hoo! Dare I hope for a decent number this week?

As for the jog, I went over to Balboa Park and ran the new trail again! It was a very scenic hour of sweating, and just when I thought I saw all of trail #5, I discovered an entirely new branch that goes off into the distance…I’ll be exploring that this coming week, I’m sure!

My right knee though….not happy with me. Hmm…

I originally wrote in my notes today that I was going to take a nap…somehow that never ended up happening. =(

But I did get my grocery shopping done! Billy took me to Costco, and I have enough vegetables to feed a neighborhood for at least a month.

I can NOT believe how much fruit and veggies I eat in a week! Everyone was looking at my cart and what I was buying, and then looking back at me…it was weird today.

Without making eye contact, I saw people doing a lot of head nodding as they sized me up in Costco. They obviously thought “Oh, he seems in shape…yup, he’s buying broccoli.” LOL

After 40 minutes of chopping my veggies and storing stuff, I had to stop and go to the gym. I have more chopping to do tomorrow, but it’s enough for one day.

My groceries completely dominate the bulk of the fridge…Hubby is not happy about that, per se, but he’s being very nice about it…thank you Hubby!

I threw some cottage cheese and blueberries in a bowl and went to work out!

The Gym: Awesome! 44 minutes of pure Hell, but I had that fire in my pants again. As Hubby says, “Oh, you’re one of THOSE guys, huh?”

Yup, I’m one of “those guys.”

Today I couldn’t help it…I counted out loud, yelled, grunted, and otherwise was a loud, obnoxious, dramatic freak!

But I DID it!

I did a REALLY good workout, and that’s what counts! It’s not easy to do the workout at night…most of my energy is all ready gone, and I didn’t even start out with any energy today!

Oh, and the V crunches (double pikes) were burning and sore…but I NEVER reached my max out! During the final reps I just held that airborne position for maybe 30 seconds…while staring amazed at my own body, mouth agape!

I kept waiting to cramp up, to max out, to collapse back to the ground, but my abs weren’t having any of it! They were like, “Godamn it! Fine! You insist on doing this move, then HERE! DO IT THEN!” eheheh….it was AWESOME!

The rest of the night was nice and relaxing. Just had dinner with Hubby and then came home to blog. And here’s the cool thing: I had dinner at Red Lobster!

Hubby wanted to have dinner “someplace nice”…as he says when he’s feeling neglected. And I expressed concerns about only having 297 calories left to eat, as well as not being able to eat smart in restaurants…afterall, I haven’t BEEN to a restaurant in nearly 6 weeks!

While showering, I was planning on doing all this work online just so I could figure out what I was going to eat…and when I came out Hubby had all ready solved it.

There’s this .99 cent iPhone app with all the calories for over 70 restaurants! Wow! Hubby totally just jumped in and helped solve a problem without being asked! Yea!!! Way to go Hubby!

It wasn’t the smoothest dinner planning ever, but it all worked out. I have to remember this was my first time using this application, and I’ll get faster in the future.

And with advanced notice, I’ll be able to preplan meals out and actually eat with Hubby once in a while!

My Dinner:

  • A small green salad (with lemon sprayed on top as my dressing…thanks for the suggesion, Waitress person)
  • A double portion of broccoli with Lemon and Old Bay seasoning…(Jayson has a new “flavor of the month!”)
  • And the flakiest, hottest, most delightfully lightly grilled Salmon steak I’ve ever had! I nearly died.

Of course, eating out is also MUCH more expensive…$16 for 400 calories? That’s 4 cents a calorie! Wow!

If I phrase it like that to Hubby, I’m sure we’ll never eat at a restaurant again!

I did go over todays calorie goal by about 100 calories, but it’s coming out of tomorrow’s calorie budget.

Oh, and tomorrow is my first day at the Spa, where people pay WAY more than I charge, for a shorter amount of time with me….whatever. It’ll be good to have a guaranteed busy day once a week for the next 12 months!

And besides the massages, I don’t have anything else planned. It’s my day OFF from all fitness! (So I don’t need as many calories anyway)

Well, that’s it ya’ll. I love you and thank you profoundly for your support/half-hearted amusement, or any other attention you feel like throwing my direction.

I know I talk about a lot of random, personal, gay stuff….but that’s my life. And the ONLY way for me to not slide face first into a bathtub full of “Fudge Rounds” is to “talk out” everything!

I didn’t used to overeat because I was dum, I overate because I was lonely and felt that no one heard me.

I had no voice, and no hope that people would listen if I did speak…and I’ve finally outgrown that, and I’m growing up. =)

 Thank you again. =)




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