Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Focus on Those Weak Spots in Your Fitness Routine

 Article by: Kathie Ingram Owen

 Article First Published August 2006

Did you know that we all have “weak spots” in our fitness programs? Well we do! Every one of us has one muscle group that lags in our training programs either because of injury, low strength or just simple lack of attention to that particular group. It is a known fact that your dominant hand is the stronger side of your body. So if you are left handed you are stronger on the left side than you are on your right. Even ambidextrous individuals have a stronger side.    When a muscle group is lagging in our training program we need to step it up a notch and really focus on that particular group a little harder. That may mean that instead of training that group once a week we need to train it two, maybe even three times a week. And do not always do the same exercises either. Change up your program frequently to avoid plateaus. But we are not just discussing plateaus here. Having a lagging muscle group is common for all of us and needs more focus and not just on a plateau level. To read the entire article please click here.   Probably the most popular “weak spot” is the abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles, or core muscle group, is probably the most difficult to tone. The reason for that is because fat forms around the abdomen first for most people. And ‘first fat’ is generally the hardest fat to lose. And you can do all kinds of exercises for the abdominal muscles and if you have fat on top of those muscles you will not be able to see the muscles you have worked so hard to tone. So, to lose that fat you must do cardiovascular activity.

[Via http://wellnessconsideration.wordpress.com]