I don’t know about you, but I’m very goal oriented when it comes to fitness. If I know I have a race in 3 months my workouts are strategically planned to work towards that goal. In fact, a few years ago I gave myself 6 months to train for my first triathlon and it changed my life! Before that, I was a bartender living a late-night unhealthy lifestyle. And now, my life today could NOT be any more different! (Except I still make a mean Mojito! )
So, if you’d like to set a goal for a run, here’s an option for a beginner run in San Francisco called the Presidio 10 in San Francisco on April 18th. Participants can run either a 10K or 10 mile. The course starts at Crissy Field and takes you across the Golden Gate bridge and back… should be beautiful!
If you’re low on fuel and craving more energy, these supplements are designed to help you break barriers and push yourself beyond the brink. Increase your drive, up your dedication, and improve your performance.
Why I Got StartedI began a diet for a bodybuilding competition because I was sick of being the big fat guy that was strong but never looked good.
That all changed when I promised myself that I would never look like that again. I went from big and fat to big and lean. This was also the first time I saw my abs.
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Ray decided to make a change because he was tired of being the big guy that never looked good. Read on to learn how he turned everything around and shed 72 pounds!
Why I Got Started
I began a diet for a bodybuilding competition because I was sick of being the big fat guy that was strong but never looked good.
That all changed when I promised myself that I would never look like that again. I went from big and fat to big and lean. This was also the first time I saw my abs.
How I Did It
With some help and motivation seven days a week from some friends in college, I trained three hours a day for fourteen weeks and completely transformed my eating habits and training style. Since loosing the weight I have learned what true hardcore training takes.
SALE! LG Sciences Cold Fusion EX – Nitric Oxide Booster -BUY 1 GET 1 FREE at Bodybuilding.com.
Hi I am Shannon from St Louis, Missouri here with Fit Factor Fit Camps What I think it means to have a Super Body, Super Brain is to remember that health is not only physical but also very mental. So if you have a healthy brain to body connection there is no limits on what you can achieve, so that is why I think it means to have a Super Body, Super Brain
Are you in Missouri? Check out Shannon’s great classes
What does it mean to you to have a Super Body, Super Brain?
Send me your videos! You can win many prizes!
Release Date: December 2010
My LinkedIn
Email me@michaelgonzalezwallace@gmail.com
Noni popped up on the seen (at least that I know of) only a few years ago, and although healthy, its potent taste makes it a little hard to swallow! Yuck!
Ardyss has changed all that with its flagship nutrition pruduct, Le’Vive. Le’Vive is a deliciously sexy antioxidant supplement offered by Ardyss. It is great for my fitness buffs (or wanna-bes) and my people looking for a great weight-loss aid.
Le’vive has a yummy mix of 5 (YES 5!) super fruits: pomegranate, goji, acai berry, noni, and mangosteen.
Not only is it tasty, but it’s highly beneficial! Le’vive helps with weight loss, strengthening the immune system, increasing energy, and controling blood sugar levels…it’s also been known to increase libido (for my lovers out there!)
There are MANY other benefits… but I don’t wanna bore you, when you can just check it out for yourself!
Folks, I am out of breath and my legs are sore. Today I decided to head down to the Charles River Esplanade and do some sprints on the grass alongside the river. I found a long straight area of grass that wasn’t too crowded and set up shop. I drew a line in the dirt for my starting point, and took off, since I was already warm from the light jog to the river. I sprinted at maximum effort until I simply couldn’t keep the speed up anymore, stopped, and drew a line in the dirt. That would be my distance for today. Sprint, catch your breath, sprint, catch your breath….ten sprints later I was ready to fall over! Half way through I wanted to stop, but I had made a deal with myself to do ten sprints, and so I completed all of them and I’m glad I did. Best part of all…it didn’t take very long! And the scenery wasn’t bad either:
This is the stretch of grass I used to run. Beautiful!
My pay is all healed up so I’m getting back at it this week. I’m going to exist a week behind and continue at week 6. Here it is:
Resistance/Circuit Training
A1: Pushups (feet up~ the body ball)
A2: Explosive Jumps (lift your knees up)
A3: Decline back tumult with bands
A4: Stationary lunges with bands (45 sec/side)
A5: Dips
A6: Walking lunges with weights (you can use dumbbells, milk jugs, backpack, etc.)
A7: Tricep extensions (45 sec/faction. Keep to form, don’t move the elbow!)
A8: Toe distress
A9: Concentration curl with bands (45 sec/side)
Going to insert with the Intermediate level as I did in week 5. HIIT continues as per week 5. Mighty Grasshopper has again posted a video discipline for this weeks exercises. Srsly can’t wait to startle back tomorrow!
Yay! I had a great practice today. My strategy to move to a new location halfway through worked well. When I was juggling over the bed, I simply could not get 9 throws. When I moved to the middle of the room with a wall as my backdrop, I was able to start getting 9 throws after only a few tries. So strange how that works; maybe a rut is tied to a location. I guess that makes sense, as a new perspective, whether physical or mental, seems to always promote growth, creativity and better understanding. While juggling over the bed helps with efficiency of practice, it probably creates some sort of mental crutch. But you’d also think I’d be more likely to ‘go for it’ and try to get 9 throws with the bed under me – crazy!
So next practice I will move locations again, maybe even more than twice per session. Looking forward to more progress in the coming week!
This entry promised to go on forever, such is the volume of stories coming in at the moment. That’s why I’ve divided this entry into two entries, the first going up to the initial letter M, the other covering N to Z.
A Day Through the Eyes of a Blind Woman and how technology might help to get her through.
A Chat with ABC News on Assistive Gadgets – abledbody: news, insights and reviews on disability and assistive technology – includes the Intel Reader and some iPhone apps.
A quarter of Welsh polling stations ‘inaccessible’ – BBC News
Accessible Text CAPTCHAs: 157,500,799 logic questions – a possible way around the difficulties of visual and audio CAPTCHAs.
Accessible UK Train Timetables
Accessible Web Video: JW Player Controls – OSU Web Accessibility Center – provides an accessible front end to Flash videos.
Accessibility for e-books means audio, too – Media dis&dat
Alabama creates fitness center for deaf, blind people – Media dis&dat
Am I Taking the Right Pill? – Donna Jodhan – how are you going to tell one kind of medication from another?
Apple Releases Safari 4.0.5 « AccessTech News – and it still doesn’t play nice under Windows.
Apple’s iPad Will Read Books Out Loud, Support Free E-Books | Gadget Lab | Wired.com
Are touch screens accessible?
Astronomy HyperText Book – the University of Oregon provides a fairly accessible resource.
Australia struggles to provide better disability access for performing arts – Media dis&dat
Australia’s film and TV industry opening up to disabled performers – Media dis&dat
Becta collaboration: Sources of Specialist Equipment funding for IT in the home/other support
Best Free Portable Applications – techsupportalert.com
Book Port Plus – American Printing House for the Blind
Braille Labels from Auntie Arwen’s Spice Blends – Fred’s Head
Building on Patterns: Primary Braille Literacy Program First Grade Level – Fred’s Head from the American Printing House for the Blind.
Campaigners for blind criticise Cathedral Square fountains – Peterborough Today – lack of tactile markers makes life difficult for people with sensory disabilities.
Choice Magazine Listening – Fred’s Head from APH – free magazine audio for those with print disabilities.
Claro Software Download Site – Claro Software Range – Claro Read version 5.5 is just released. I’m a bit concerned that the e-mail alert from the company didn’t read properly in plain text (meaningless ‘click here’ links, which weren’t linked at all), and the forms on the site that are not fully accessible. Try the free trial anyway.
Clisk, the Command-Line Interface for Skype
Does HTML5 Really Beat Flash? The Surprising Results of New Tests
Effective Practices for Description of Science Content within Digital Talking Books / Introduction / NCAM – Experience + Learn / Educational Media. Also visit
TouchGraphics Video for an example of audio-tactile representation using the LiveScribe pen.
FCC Talks on Broadband for People with Disabilities – abledbody: news, insights and reviews on disability and assistive technology
Finding awesome stuff online with Google Reader Play – Official Google Blog – get your chosen topics played to you without sorting out all your own feeds. Videos and maximised images included.
First park designed for disabled people to open in Texas – Media dis&dat – Morgan’s Wonderland, near Austin, not only has wheelchair-accessible ride, but many sensory experiences as well.
Flash Satay: Embedding Flash While Supporting Standards – A List Apart
Freedom Scientific Reduces Price of Focus 40 Blue Braille Display by 38% to Support Drive for Braille Literacy – it’s a snip at $2,795.
Fully Accessible Talking Glucose Meter System – Fred’s Head – the Prodigy Voice claims to be the only device of its kind for diabetics.
Global Assistive Technology Encyclopedia – Global Assistive Technology Wiki
Guess This Gadget: Stereoscopic 3D Image Scanner | Blog | ZiggyTek – Real-View 3D have produced this consumer desktop viewer, based on medical equipment.
Guide Dog Training Survey – your chance to share experiences.
Handbook for Learning to Read Braille by Sight – Fred’s Head
Have I Ever Relied On my Vision When Completing any activities? « Youtube’s “Living Blind” Blog – seems like for some people vision can be more confusing than helpful.
How I Label Things – Donna Jodhan – using Braille labels and the Penfriend audio label maker.
IBM looks into easy cellphones: News24: SciTech: News – phones suitable for people with disabilities and elderly people.
If You Are Blind Or Have Low Vision – how we can help – electronic information from the U.S. Social Security system.
ILRC – San Francisco – the Independent Living Resource Center offers a number of services to enable disabled people to live independently.
In Canada, a group of disabled people complain about costly accessible transportation – Media dis&dat
Little Things that Can Make a Big Difference – Fred’s Head from APH – as a blind person, you will still need to write things occasionally. Writing guides can be helpful.
Matchbox brings you a very special Five of the Best this month, courtesy of fitness guru Matt Roberts.
In the depths of the last recession, Matt Roberts moved to London with an idea: he’d identified a niche in the market for personalised training, where athletes or regular clients could get tailored help in reaching their fitness goals.
With no banks willing to lend, he had to put in some hard graft to raise the necessary funds. But raise them he did and in 1995 Roberts managed to set up his first one-to-one training centre within a former art gallery. Today he owns four plush personal training gyms across the capital with a client list that boasts the likes of John Galliano and Naomi Campbell. The following are Roberts’s top tips on keeping healthy in 2010.
Interview with Laura Holt.
1. Staying Motivated
Set a distinct goal and a date by which you want to achieve it. Be crystal clear and devise a reward for yourself for when you reach that target – and a forfeit if you fail to make it. Your goal could be that you want to get into a certain size dress for a special occasion, for example. So buy the dress in a smaller size that realistically matches your target. You’ll have an incentive for getting your weight down – or you’ll have wasted your money.
2. The Fun Factor
The best way to avoid monotony in your routine is to mix up the intensities – with things like interval training – and by varying the activities. Part of the reason why triathlon has become so popular is because advocates can vary training up by going for a run one day, then a bike ride or session in the pool the next. It’s important to allow yourself a mental and physical break. Make sure you have different patterns you follow. Sit down on a Sunday night and plan your activities for the week ahead to help stimulate your workout.
3. Eating Better
The average female consumes between 85-105 grams of fat each day, when it should be no more than 60 grams. With men, the ratio’s roughly the same: we’re consuming 80 per cent more fat than we should be. Where possible, remove saturated fats from your diet (commonly found in fried foods and dishes with rich creamy sauces and cheese). Stay away from ‘bad’ fats (many mass-produced biscuits and the like still contain unhealthy trans fats), and focus instead on the ‘good’ ones, in sources including fish, nuts and seeds.
4. Working Out
One of the most effective ways to work out is through interval training. At least twice a week, throw a hill session into your running or cycling routine or change your speed when swimming for a minute or two. Push yourself really hard, to the point where you couldn’t carry on any further, then recover for same time. Keep this up for 45-minutes and it will raise your metabolism phenomenally. Working out at a constant pace raises your metabolic rate for about 8 hours – with interval training, the afterburn effect lasts for up to 48 hours.
5. Warming Down
When you’ve finished an exercise session, you really need to stretch. Cool yourself down by bringing your heart rate down slowly. For example, if you’ve finished a run, spend five minutes gradually reducing your pace to a slow walk before finishing by stretching all muscles.
Yesterday, I was feeling pretty pumped when I hit the gym for my back workout. I had good energy, had eaten well all day, and was psyched to try out my new workout gloves (Vain girls wear these in the weight room to avoid ugly callouses!) I had what I thought was a great workout. I did seated machine rows, seated low rows, T-bar rows, cable lat pulldowns, seated pullovers, back extensions, and some exhausting deadlifts! I came home and had a good protein and simple sugar shake (might have poured in a bit too much maple syrup, OOPS!) So how do I feel this morning??
Nothing. Nada. Zip.
Sure, I might feel a bit sore tomorrow in delayed onset muscle soreness, but I know from experience that if I’m not feeling a little buzz on day 1, I didn’t get the training I needed. My feeling is that while I did a lot of work, I wasn’t using weights that were heavy enough to get the effect I wanted.
A few months ago, following a fitness hiatus, I trained with a trainer, who showed me the proper weight I should be using to exercise. Boy, was I surprised! Although I thought I had a good amount of training under my belt, it took another person to show me what “heavy” really means. Lifting heavy really is an exhausting struggle, and sometimes it’s hard to hit that point. As you increase your strength, it becomes even harder to challenge yourself to increase your weight since your last workout. What I mean is: If you’re using 25 pound plates on your barbell deadlifts, you’ll keep using those plates because you know they work. You must constantly re-evaluate your power in order to determine when to increase the weight. When you’re looking for a quick workout, it’s easier to slap on those 25’s than to challenge yourself, isn’t it?
So, last night’s workout taught me that I need to start increasing my weights if I want to see some results. If I had remained present in my workout last night, I might have caught on that I was doing 8 reps no problem, which indicates to me that I need to increase my weights. And this morning I would have felt that beautiful sore feeling of growing muscles!
When you’re just starting out, or picking up after a hiatus, or changing your goals, how to know how many reps and sets to perform, and at what weight? The general rules are:
Goal: Increase muscle strength
How to train: Low reps (1-7) are best for training for strength. In other words, you should choose a weight that is so heavy that on the seventh rep, you can no longer lift the weight and maintain proper form. Lifting such a heavy weight puts a large overload on your muscle fibers, and may train muscle nerves to fire in rapid synchronization.
Goal: Gain Muscle (growth)
How to Train: Perform a medium-range of reps (8 to 10) at such a weight that the 11th rep cannot be performed with good form. Lifting in this rep range creates enough stress on the muscle fibers and metabolic stress on muscle cells to kick start growth.
Goal: Endurance
How to Train: Perform a high-rep range of 13+ at a weight level that allows you to perform at high reps. (Think lower than in the above scenarios) This trains the muscle pathways to build endurance without providing enough overload to start growth or strength increases.
Notice a pattern, here? No matter your goal, make sure that you’re using enough weight so that you can barely eke out single new rep!! Remain present in your workouts and you can avoid wasting time in the wrong weight range.
I got my first glorious copy of the Bravissimo catalog this week, which looked extra glorious laying next to my usual Victoria’s Secret catalog.
Have you heard of Bravissimo? They have the best explanation for how bras should fit that I’ve EVER seen.
So here comes this glorious catalog, in which models are eating cookies and dancing and looking like hot teachers – as opposed to just hot supermodels. And, what was that definition of juxtaposition again?
Oh yeah, the VS cover.
Don’t get me wrong, Vicky. I love you. I love your mesh fabrics and your good-at-sizing sizers and your smug overpricedness. I’ve given you plenty of business.
Of course this chickypoo loves her body. She gets paid lots and lots of working-class salaries to love her body. I’d look good too if I got paid to jetset around and live off lettuce and cigarettes. VS models are an epitome of the modern concept of beauty.
But don’t throw this crap at me, like you’re trying to encourage me to love myself. I can do that without you.
I’d rather look at hot chickypoos with bodies that I could aspire to. (I could aspire to VS, but I’d have to grow at least 7 inches AND lose 20 pounds.)
The sad part is that Bravissimo is in Europe, so I’ll continue to buy VS on sale online. At least VS carries great bras in my size, which is more than a lot of you department stores can say.
I’d never really considered myself a runner until I got about four months into this challenge and I still find I have my doubts at times about whether I really am one.
Other people I know though have been running for years and, sometimes, you just have to bow to their superior knowledge. Point in case is Steve Swift, regular reader and commenter (is that a word?, Steve would know, he’s a proof reader). Steve has been running for some time and regularly offers me pieces of sage advice… go back two entries ago to see his comment on my 18.5mile run: ‘be careful on Tuesday’.
While yesterday I was a little stiff, today I was a lot stiff. I mean a real lot stiff, so much so that I could go no faster than 12 minutes a mile and I began to wonder where the line is drawn between a slow run and a quick walk.
As is often the case though, a sign comes up just when I’m feeling a bit glum about things. Just as I got back, the postman was arriving – unheard of for 7.55am in the morning and he was delivering my new 1095miles.com running shirts. I’ll model them in a pic on tomorrow’s entry!
Click here for a Google Map and full details of the day’s run
Miles today: 3
Target: 513
Miles to date: 663.1
Want to dedicate a run to someone or have one dedicated to you? Click here
Turbulence training Kettlebell Revolution System For girls
By kannan7.03.turbulence3
According to Chris Lopez, creator of the Turbulence coaching Kettlebell Revolution System, Kettlebells are superb for everyday folks who wants an effective workout.
But they are also excellent for ladies. Girls using Kettlebells would develop a sexy lean, look. turbulenct training. They might get a dancers body, versus a very muscly physique.
Chris Lopez says that Kettlebell training works a lot on the posterior chain, which embodies the hamstrings, glutes, lumbar region & abs. This is good for ladies, since girls tend to train their quads too much.
In women, the angle of the femur ( leg bone ) relative to their hips is more acute then men. This forces them to use their quads more in lower body movements.
Using KB Movements such as swings, high pulls, and snatches helps them train their frequently neglected glutes and hamstrings, allowing them to create balance and healthier knees.
Another vital benefit of Kettlebell coaching for women is they are very versatile and can be taken anywhere and everywhere. turbulence training review. You can get a great workout using just one Kettlebell. If you were to depend only on Dumbbells, then you’d need a complete set of dumbbells to get a useful workout. With Kettlebells, one weight level can last your for months.
There are 2 reasons why Kettlebells are better than Dumbbells : one ) the way in which the weight is distributed. Because all of the weight is in one, giant location, vs being even distributed as in a Dumbbell, all of the muscles in your body are called into action to manage the Kettlebell.
Chris Lopez endorses starting off with an 8kg weight for ladies. That is’s 17.6 lbs. Here’s a sample routine you can try today :
It’s hard for anyone to accept change – in any shape or form.
Good or bad.
Change in relationship status.
Change in career.
Change in living arrangements.
Change in appearance.
Change in personality.
That last one is a tough one. It’s where I’m sitting currently and is something my husband woke me up to today on our run while I vented about Kick and the piece I’m still struggling with: letting go, stepping outside of “me” and embodying the Kick instructor that I’m meant to be, that I need to be in order to not only pass the looming BTS video assessment/certification but to be a full-fledged instructor at my gym.
A snippet from our convo during this afternoon’s run (which was amazing btw, a little over 5 miles in gorgeous quasi-spring new england temps):
Me: I don’t know how to let go.
Scott: Just stop thinking.
Me: I don’t know how to stop thinking, I can’t do it.
Scott: You need to let go, and letting go means not thinking.
Me: But how do I do that??
Scott: You have to change who you are, stop letting Type-A take over and just go.
Me: (insert frustrated grumbling here)
Scott: You always come to class prepared, you know the routine, you know the moves. You have that going for you. You need to push that aside, because you got it, stop thinking about it, and just motivate and have fun.
Me: It’s so easy for me to just revert to status quo, and for me, that means not stepping outside the “safe” box and being someone I’m afraid to be, because I don’t know how to be someone else. “Kimmie” said I don’t need to change who I am, just be a slightly enhanced version of myself. But how?
Scott: Right. That’s it. You have to be uncomfortable until you can embrace that change in who you are, it’s in there, just let it out. Let yourself be great.
Wow. This was EXACTLY what I needed to hear today. I was so frustrated after Kick practice today because I know that the one piece that will fail me is the cueing/motivating. I am struggling with it badly. But why? Why am I struggling to, of all things, motivate? THIS is why I took the leap with Kick – to motivate others to live a healthy, balanced, LIVELY life.
So, if I can keep that in mind, that I am fulfilling a dream, something not many people get the opportunity to do in life, then I should be the most enthusiastic, excited and awesome instructor there is, right?
In theory, yes. In reality, my former shy self is holding me back. It’s like this little mini-me on my shoulder whispering in my ear, “it’s ok, just get through it” versus the motivated and inspirational mini-me I NEED screaming in my ear “DO THIS, YELL, GET EXCITED!!”
I’ve got to squash that shy mini-me, it’s not who I am. I’m better than that. Much better, in fact. Until I can squash her for good, I’m going to have to do what Scott said, fake it, act, step outside of “me” until the new and improved “me” emerges for real and it no longer feels unnatural. I need to let myself be great. Has a nice ring to it, no?
The real test is looming – Thursday is the next class I’ll be teaching and I’ll be damned, shy-me better stay in bed that morning, or else!
Because of Rich’s, I got to bed at 2a and woke up at 730a. That’s only 5.5 hrs… NOT enough.
My first appointment was at 9am, so I got to the office early today…and he was a NO SHOW! Can you believe that?
I did my eyebrows and everything!
However, I did not lose the lesson in the moment. Even though I was embarrassed in front of Jim (if you don’t know who Jim is, you’ve got some catching up to do), he asked me about my Cancellation Policy!
What cancellation policy? I don’t have one….until an hour later when my next client walked in and signed my newly written cancellation policy!
See Jayson? You’re learning!
My 2nd appointment was from Top of the Park, and he is a very nice guy. He seemed to LOVE his massage, and he’s coming back in 2 weeks….gotta keep my clients, gotta keep my clients, gotta keep my clients….
I had some clerical trouble with printing and processing his credit card and all, but I finally worked my way through it all.
I still have a workout coming up later in the day…my last workout of Level One. Mr. Trainer is going to “rock my world” with all new stuff on Monday! Ahh! I’m scared!
I look at the crazy things some of these guys do to themselves in the gym…rolling pushups on giant barbells…Serpentine pushup sequences….Scary stuff!
I think I said it in the last blog, but I am SO excited for Monday’s “Weigh In!” I know I started out the week a little rough by pouting over my small weight loss and overeating, but I’ve taken responsibility, corrected my mistake, and worked REALLY hard!
And I can feel my body changing really fast! Woo hoo! Dare I hope for a decent number this week?
As for the jog, I went over to Balboa Park and ran the new trail again! It was a very scenic hour of sweating, and just when I thought I saw all of trail #5, I discovered an entirely new branch that goes off into the distance…I’ll be exploring that this coming week, I’m sure!
My right knee though….not happy with me. Hmm…
I originally wrote in my notes today that I was going to take a nap…somehow that never ended up happening. =(
But I did get my grocery shopping done! Billy took me to Costco, and I have enough vegetables to feed a neighborhood for at least a month.
I can NOT believe how much fruit and veggies I eat in a week! Everyone was looking at my cart and what I was buying, and then looking back at me…it was weird today.
Without making eye contact, I saw people doing a lot of head nodding as they sized me up in Costco. They obviously thought “Oh, he seems in shape…yup, he’s buying broccoli.” LOL
After 40 minutes of chopping my veggies and storing stuff, I had to stop and go to the gym. I have more chopping to do tomorrow, but it’s enough for one day.
My groceries completely dominate the bulk of the fridge…Hubby is not happy about that, per se, but he’s being very nice about it…thank you Hubby!
I threw some cottage cheese and blueberries in a bowl and went to work out!
The Gym: Awesome! 44 minutes of pure Hell, but I had that fire in my pants again. As Hubby says, “Oh, you’re one of THOSE guys, huh?”
Yup, I’m one of “those guys.”
Today I couldn’t help it…I counted out loud, yelled, grunted, and otherwise was a loud, obnoxious, dramatic freak!
But I DID it!
I did a REALLY good workout, and that’s what counts! It’s not easy to do the workout at night…most of my energy is all ready gone, and I didn’t even start out with any energy today!
Oh, and the V crunches (double pikes) were burning and sore…but I NEVER reached my max out! During the final reps I just held that airborne position for maybe 30 seconds…while staring amazed at my own body, mouth agape!
I kept waiting to cramp up, to max out, to collapse back to the ground, but my abs weren’t having any of it! They were like, “Godamn it! Fine! You insist on doing this move, then HERE! DO IT THEN!” eheheh….it was AWESOME!
The rest of the night was nice and relaxing. Just had dinner with Hubby and then came home to blog. And here’s the cool thing: I had dinner at Red Lobster!
Hubby wanted to have dinner “someplace nice”…as he says when he’s feeling neglected. And I expressed concerns about only having 297 calories left to eat, as well as not being able to eat smart in restaurants…afterall, I haven’t BEEN to a restaurant in nearly 6 weeks!
While showering, I was planning on doing all this work online just so I could figure out what I was going to eat…and when I came out Hubby had all ready solved it.
There’s this .99 cent iPhone app with all the calories for over 70 restaurants! Wow! Hubby totally just jumped in and helped solve a problem without being asked! Yea!!! Way to go Hubby!
It wasn’t the smoothest dinner planning ever, but it all worked out. I have to remember this was my first time using this application, and I’ll get faster in the future.
And with advanced notice, I’ll be able to preplan meals out and actually eat with Hubby once in a while!
My Dinner:
A small green salad (with lemon sprayed on top as my dressing…thanks for the suggesion, Waitress person)
A double portion of broccoli with Lemon and Old Bay seasoning…(Jayson has a new “flavor of the month!”)
And the flakiest, hottest, most delightfully lightly grilled Salmon steak I’ve ever had! I nearly died.
Of course, eating out is also MUCH more expensive…$16 for 400 calories? That’s 4 cents a calorie! Wow!
If I phrase it like that to Hubby, I’m sure we’ll never eat at a restaurant again!
I did go over todays calorie goal by about 100 calories, but it’s coming out of tomorrow’s calorie budget.
Oh, and tomorrow is my first day at the Spa, where people pay WAY more than I charge, for a shorter amount of time with me….whatever. It’ll be good to have a guaranteed busy day once a week for the next 12 months!
And besides the massages, I don’t have anything else planned. It’s my day OFF from all fitness! (So I don’t need as many calories anyway)
Well, that’s it ya’ll. I love you and thank you profoundly for your support/half-hearted amusement, or any other attention you feel like throwing my direction.
I know I talk about a lot of random, personal, gay stuff….but that’s my life. And the ONLY way for me to not slide face first into a bathtub full of “Fudge Rounds” is to “talk out” everything!
I didn’t used to overeat because I was dum, I overate because I was lonely and felt that no one heard me.
I had no voice, and no hope that people would listen if I did speak…and I’ve finally outgrown that, and I’m growing up. =)
This NHS tool allows you to work out what calories your body needs based on your current weight, height, sex, age and level of activity. This helps you to calculate what your calorie intake should be while you are losing weight and understand what you need to continue to eat to prevent putting the weight back on.
This week has been a little disappointing because I’ve been struggling to get over a minor cold and I was so busy at work. I was going to try to push through to finish by Saturday which would be 20 days but I may have to go into next week now.
Having said that I’ve not done badly this week. I went into the gym on Monday intending to just do 500 as recovering from that cold but somehow continued to 1000.Tuesday I got onto the mats and noticed someone had left double 8kg and double 12kg. So I had some doubles fun- after some internal debate I decided that each double was just one swing as it was one hip movement. I finished with straightforward 16kg swings- added another 500.
I had to have a day off on Wednesday due to work pressure. However I ended up doing 10 press ups because children in the boxing class bet me I couldn’t-posh headteacher dress and everything.
On Thursday I completed 700 swings- mostly with the 16kg. Friday I went to see an amazing Cuban dance company so no time to workout. At the last count that made 8200. I’m going to try for finishing on Sunday…
I cannot believe it, it’s still snowing!! But that didn’t stop us going to the gym My workout this morning included:
Platform Calf Raises 3×20
Leg Extensions 10# 2×14
Leg Curls 20# 2×14
H.S. Calf Raises 10# 2×16
Then, I went to the morning yoga class! My yoga instructor threw in some pilate core routines and that really challenged me (in a good way). Meanwhile, my husband faithfully worked out for 90 minutes by himself as usual. We drove home together after we’re all done, had our breakfast, and off to work!
I had some break time in the early afternoon, so I decided to go back to the gym for cardio workouts:
30 minute intervals on elliptical
30 minute intervals on bike
My quads started feeling sore and I experienced a sharp pain in my left ankle while I was on the bike. After I lowered the intensity, I felt ok and I was able to finish the workout. I probably should go easy on my legs tomorrow.
Some of you might know that I started this blog when I began a health and fitness program at my gym. At the beginning of it I complained about having to wake up at 5:30 a couple of days, having to work out 5 days a week and eating healthy foods. This is the last week of that program and I have to say it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Basically, all of the things that I spent time complaining about are the same things that make me feel great today! Last night I put on a pajama shirt that normally makes me look fat (ok, so it was a truthful shirt) and now it just hangs on me. I’ve done things I would not have done otherwise because of the program – today I actually ran a mile. Before the program if I were asked to take a walk outside I’d say – Really? where are we going exactly?.
So now that things have changed, now that I am a healthier slightly lighter person than when I began what do I do? The last weigh in for me is Thursday. There is no group accountability after that. The only one that will be with me when I “weigh in” is me and the scale. No prizes for being the biggest looser, no pats on the back, and now for a couple of weeks, I’ll be working out alone (well just not in a class). Will I let things slide? I really hope not … I can’t …. NO! I’ve come too far to just let things slide. Plus, I have some people who read this who really care. To let them down, my family, and me – that’s just to much to think of doing.
There are going to be some hard climbs coming up ahead soon. I’ll surely plateau which will totally suck. Loosing weight has been fairly easy so far so and that has made things fun. As soon as it gets hard I am really going to have to work on not giving up and just power through it.
After all the climbing, running, clawing my way through countless hours of working out, surviving sweaty, crave filled moments while driving by a starbucks, after dragging my sore body to bed only to wake up and do it all over again I’m not done. I haven’t finished the race. I’ve only reached the top of the first hill and this week I’m enjoying the view because next week I have to start up the mountain that’s ahead.
PR Log (Press Release) – Feb 27, 2010 – Weight loss and how to not only lose it, but how to keep it off. You’ll be proud of yourself after accomplishing what is so important to you and your health…Getting rid of all that extra weight. Would it be nice to look in the mirror and see yourself as a healthy appearing person, being able to smile, feeling fit and trim. Well that is exactly what this package will enable you to do. This has worked for hundreds of thousands around the world and you are soon to be one of them, that is ,if you get your copy. I used to go up and down in weight all the time because I never really knew how to properly diet. It wasn’t until I bought and read Elite Weight Loss that I was finally able toget to where I am now… not only is my body more trim … my energy levels are up, consistent and my self -esteem is higher than ever. So how much would you pay to feel SO GOOD ? Well, as I said. THIS IS THE BEST PRICE and THE BEST PRODUCT you will find on the internet today. How do I know ? I’ve seen them all and I thanked GOD for this one. So ? GET IT NOW
P.S Send me an e-mail so as I can send you a link.