Saturday, October 10, 2009

On Your Mark, Get Set, Rain!

Today I woke up with my energy still at large. I pulled out a whole wheat bagel, peanut butter, honey, and made a perfect pre race breakfast. I had a side of dried apricots for potassium, however i couldnt finish them they are my preferred potassium kick, bananas don’t agree with my taste.

While eating I was shaking from all the carbs I had last night. I felt so good it was unbelievable. Dad took a picture of me at the breakfast table playing with something. He was practicing his photo shooting for my finishing photo. He is such a pro .

Run hard, Think about finishing, Have fun. 7:00am almost race time!

Chamber Classic 1/2 Marathon Race Recap


At the start I was feeling pretty good, I was cold and wet but feeling good. The bell rang at 8:00 and we all went running, the rain did to. Right when we started it poured, and it was cold as hell.

Miles 1-3

Miles 1-3 went pretty swell. It was the coldest miles of the race. We started down a road and hit a slight inclined hill. My hands and face were went and cold, and my race outfit was drenched. After the small loop you went past the boat house and started twice around the lake.

Miles 3-7

Once passing the boat house I saw my dad and got that confidence kick . Its been a whole year since I ran around the lake but I had a slight idea what it was like. For the most part I was right. Running miles 3-6 were fairly tough because my lungs were just starting to warm up and I was drying off from the rain. At mile 6.5 I used a Gel pack for a quick lift but it was so hard to open! My hands were frozen stiff and I couldn’t rip the package, so I used my teeth and when it opened gel went flying all over my face and into my lungs. It wasn’t my intended way of getting the “gel to my mouth” but it worked.

Miles 7-10

After going around the boat house for the second time I was pumped. I wanted to finish strong so I ran the hills like they were nothing and around the lake I ran once again. Now it was warmer so I felt cooled down, not frozen. I enjoyed the last bit of the run more than the beginning. It went relatively good .

Miles 10-13.1

It was sooner than I though, Only 3 more miles to the finish. At this point all I could think about was finishing so I began to kick it around miles 11. At that point we were coming around the bend of the lake and into the tennis fields. You could see the boat house in the distance and I ran like crazy. Right into the finish!

My overall time was 1 hour 33mins. 1st in my age group, 15th overall. I couldn’t be more pleased especially with overcoming from a sinus cold the week before. What a great race!

After the race I hit the snack tent and had a peanut butter Clif bar. Only 2 left, damn 5kers… taking all the good snacks. Im happy I got atleast one . When we got home I had some Okios with granola for lunch, with a side of a banana and peanut butter for a potassium buzz after racing. I feel pretty good, Legs, shins, and lungs! hurt a bit, but hell, I just ran 13.1 miles, thats like running from my house to the city of Pittsburgh!

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