Thursday, February 4, 2010

Staying Fit

Runescape is just a game.  In this post I will show you a simple way to get fit and stay fit while playing runescape.

When it comes to creating new ideas for working out  many people are at a loss so they follow the same routine and either get too comfortable and hardly see any results or they become bored so they stop working out all together.  Don’t let this happen to you.  Here is a fun idea that will vary your workout and still give you great results: use a deck of face cards.  It sounds crazy but it will really work to help you build strength and start losing some extra pounds.

The Exercises

There are three different exercises you’ll do in order to target three different areas on your body.

-pushups for chest

-squats for legs

-crunches for abdominal

All of these are going to be free standing so you won’t need anything more than some space, your cards, your body and the right attitude before you’ll start getting in shape.

The Cards

Take your deck of cards—jokers and all—and shuffle it.  The reps you do for each exercise will depend on the number—or face card—shown on the card you flip over first.  For face card values:

-Joker 15

-Ace 14

-King 13

-Queen 12

-Jack 11

There are many different ways you can do your exercises.  My favorite way is easy to remember because you’ll have a set order of your exercises.  For example, you’ll flip a card and do pushups then the next card will be squats and the third card will be crunches repeating that order.  This offers a great variety because you’ll have different reps for each exercise each day.



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