Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Better Food Choices

I hate the term diet, as soon as I tell myself I’m going on a diet all I want to do is eat chocolate, crisps and sweets. So, no diets here. This doesn’t mean I don’t want to eat better because I do, it just means I’m not going to ban anything, or count calories, or only eat before 8pm, or any of those things. I’m not saying those things don’t work, they’re just not for me.

I want to eat more wholefoods, not just foods that tell me they’re wholegrain (like boxed breakfast cereals that are full of sugar and additives), but actual whole foods. Brown rice (which I already eat by the ton, I love the taste and it’s so much more filling than white), I also want to eat other grains (quinoa, barley, amaranth, millet, couscous, buckwheat, etc), I buy them stick them in a cupboard and never use them, I want to try using them. There’s a multitude of meals I can make using these wholesome foods, I just have to be bothered to do it.

I also want to increase my consumption of fruit and veg, it’s already well above the national average, and higher than the recommended 5-a-day, but I used to eat loads more than I do now, and I want to get back to doing that. When I ate more fruit and veg, I felt better, my skin was nicer and I found it easier to lose weight. In with this goal is to drink more water, or fresh fruit juice, and cut down on fizzy pop (soda) and dilute drinks that are full of rubbish.

I would like to cut down on my meat consumption. I used to be vegetarian (I was even vegan for 18 months) but somewhere along the line meat started to creep back in, I enjoy eating it at the time but it leaves me feeling sluggish, bloated and icky. I don’t plan to go back to being vegetarian because I don’t think it’s the right decision for me at this time, but I definitely need to cut back on the amount of meat I eat. I want to have a few meat-free days a week and try to have fish as opposed to meat on some of the other days.

Tying all these together is my next goal; I want to try a new recipe each week and I’d like these to be as simple and natural as possible, nothing overly complicated or fancy just good ingredients cooked simply.

Hope you enjoyed this post,

Thanks for reading,


[Via http://callingthequarters.wordpress.com]

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