Tuesday, February 23, 2010

HYC Update - Catching Up

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Happy Tuesday, everyone!

It’s only Tuesday, and I already feel like I’m behind. I guess that’s what happens when you go back to a really busy workweek after a week off. Yesterday flew by, and I had a lot going on, but today after work things should be a bit calmer, so I’m hoping to catch up on a few things so that I can feel more in balance.

One of the things that I’ve let slide since Saturday is working out. I was great about hitting the gym and exercising all week while I was off, but once the weekend hit, and I had a few social engagements, being active sort of slid off the radar. Then yesterday was just crazy, and here I am.

I’ve been putting a lot of pressure on myself lately about needing to lose weight. I look at other bloggers and see that they’ve lost 10, 15, or almost 20 pounds so far this year. Then I look at my own totals and see that my net weight change is a gain so far this year. And then I see photos of myself and am so unhappy with the image that I see. The main problem is that I get into a lazy mode so easily – I’ll workout well for a couple of days an then I just let it drop off. I need to break that bad habit, because although I can eat healthy and stick to my points allowance, I know my body well enough to know that I must exercise in order to lose weight.

So the main focus for today and the remainder of this week is to get at least 30 mintues of activity in, even if it’s just the Wii Fitplus. (Which actually gets my heart pumping pretty quickly, believe it or not. Especially the boxing).

I also don’t want to get into feeling so negatively about myself, because that isn’t productive. So I want to make an effort this week to treat myself well. I started by buying a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers at the grocery store when I went shopping for my weekly groceries.

 I love gerbera daisies, and this bouquet is a beautiful reminder that spring is just around the corner. Everytime I look at it, it makes me smile. 

A few other things I’m doing for myself to keep positive thoughts flowing this week:

  • reading your blogs
  • taking a luxurious bath
  • trying out new recipes- I’ve already made Scale Warfare’s frittata, and I’m planning on making two other WW recipes later in the week.

So that’s where things are with me right now.  I haven’t been doing a great job of following through with everything, but I’m determined to keep my spirits up and make this work.

[Via http://bellaonthebeach.wordpress.com]

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