I had big plans for a Hot Yoga class this morning. I went to bed relatively early and made myself get out of bed at 8:50am to get ready and drive to the studio. I looked out the window…surprise, surprise–there was snow on the ground. If you know me, you know that I am NOT going to drive in snow, especially since my townhouse is kind of at the top of a hill and I’m terrified of my car sliding around. I meant SUV…with 4-wheel drive. Ha ha yes I’m just afraid for no reason, I admit it. But anyways, I had to skip Hot Yoga…I was really looking forward to it after hitting the gym hard this week. I did Body Pump twice, lots of running, and lots of elliptical intervals throughout the week. So that was a little disappointing, but I might go tomorrow afternoon…its just such a good feeling after 90 minutes of sweating out toxins and getting some good stretching in. Does anyone else love Hot Yoga as much as I do?!
I had plans for today to be my “rest” day, only doing Hot Yoga, and then running 10 miles tomorrow. But since that clearly didn’t happen, I ran 5 miles on the treadmill today and tackled a few hills/intervals…I’m thinking of running another 5 tomorrow and then doing Hot Yoga in the afternoon. I know it isn’t going to be 10 miles all at once, but it still accomplishes the basic goal of running 10 miles this weekend + Hot Yoga. So I’ll go with it I guess I can’t wait until next week, when I get to go to my hometown gym (YMCA) alllll week! I miss the fab Spinning classes and the best Ab classes I’ve ever been to…and all of the instructors are awesome! Its the little things in life that make me happy I also will probably get in a 12 or 13 mile run while I’m home…just as prep for my Half on March 21st. I’ve maintained my endurance and have been running 10-12 mile runs regularly, so I’m not really building up. I have been working on more intervals/high intensity training and I think I’ll definitely run the Half in less time this year than I did last year. We shall see I guess
Well I’m going to relax & enjoy the rest of the day…I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!
I’m back at work this week which means that workouts are harder to fit in. So fewer swings are in order as I have less time. I decided to go up a weight and so introduced the 16kg thinking that this would slow me down. However I still managed 500 and 700 swings per session. By Friday I was up to 5600 swings.
I was due to help supervise a school disco and had little time to workout but really wanted to finish that last 400. So I managed to get to the gym for a quick blast. At one time 400 swings would take an hour, I was finished easily within 30 mins including joit mobility and stretch! I even managed 100 swings with the 20kg (2H in sets of 20).
Whats more I went back to work refreshed and ready to take on 2 hours of school disco- much more daunting.
Where did all the fat go? That’s right, the Western world has become so obsessed with eating right, staying in shape and cleansing that this once pleasantly plump country has become that of gym memberships and biking shorts. Studies will tell you that this isn’t the case, that over 50% of the country is obese, but look around you, whether we are or we aren’t doesn’t mean were not trying to change. The numbers have scared us and now it’s hard to find a business man or woman who doesn’t wake up extra early just so they can hit the gym for an hour. Doughnuts are taking the hit on this one too, it used to be rare that any sweet treats would remain on the snack table during the morning break at work but now you’ll only have muffins to choose from. Too many people have had far too much time to think about what they want to look like when all they should be doing is worrying less about others opinions and more about having a meaningful and fulfilling life. So for all those runners out there, to all those gym fanatics that can’t shower before putting on a good sweat there is hope at the Radisson Hotel Toronto East, or newly designed fitness room is equipped with the latest gear from running machines to the dreaded stair master, so you can all sleep easy knowing you can eat dessert tonight.
And to everyone else out there like me, who takes life as it is and tries to be happy, we can always sue McDonalds.
Thought of the day!
Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners. (Jimmy Stewart)
Moving into “powerpoint heaven – or should it be called hell”, the 3 parts of text are beginning to make sense and revealing the black holes that need to unveiled. Actually not that many and it seems like a fun stuff to look for.
I did learn one more thing, namely that I need to kick start my brain (short walk, coffee break outside the house, etc.) and then focus follows.
Another breakthrough on the fitness front, running uphill for a few minutes during the workout! What a change and much more fun!
I was nice to help a newby in the Al-Anon group. Hopefully the person will continue after the first step.
It’s only Tuesday, and I already feel like I’m behind. I guess that’s what happens when you go back to a really busy workweek after a week off. Yesterday flew by, and I had a lot going on, but today after work things should be a bit calmer, so I’m hoping to catch up on a few things so that I can feel more in balance.
One of the things that I’ve let slide since Saturday is working out. I was great about hitting the gym and exercising all week while I was off, but once the weekend hit, and I had a few social engagements, being active sort of slid off the radar. Then yesterday was just crazy, and here I am.
I’ve been putting a lot of pressure on myself lately about needing to lose weight. I look at other bloggers and see that they’ve lost 10, 15, or almost 20 pounds so far this year. Then I look at my own totals and see that my net weight change is a gain so far this year. And then I see photos of myself and am so unhappy with the image that I see. The main problem is that I get into a lazy mode so easily – I’ll workout well for a couple of days an then I just let it drop off. I need to break that bad habit, because although I can eat healthy and stick to my points allowance, I know my body well enough to know that I must exercise in order to lose weight.
So the main focus for today and the remainder of this week is to get at least 30 mintues of activity in, even if it’s just the Wii Fitplus. (Which actually gets my heart pumping pretty quickly, believe it or not. Especially the boxing).
I also don’t want to get into feeling so negatively about myself, because that isn’t productive. So I want to make an effort this week to treat myself well. I started by buying a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers at the grocery store when I went shopping for my weekly groceries.
I love gerbera daisies, and this bouquet is a beautiful reminder that spring is just around the corner. Everytime I look at it, it makes me smile.
A few other things I’m doing for myself to keep positive thoughts flowing this week:
reading your blogs
taking a luxurious bath
trying out new recipes- I’ve already made Scale Warfare’s frittata, and I’m planning on making two other WW recipes later in the week.
So that’s where things are with me right now. I haven’t been doing a great job of following through with everything, but I’m determined to keep my spirits up and make this work.
Channel 4 Documentary following the revolutionary life-extension and immortality ideas of this somewhat eccentric scientist, Dr. Aubrey de Grey. This show is all about the radical ideas of a Cambridge biomedical gerontologist called Aubrey de Grey who believes that, within the next 20-30 years, we could extend life indefinitely by addressing seven major factors in the aging process. He describes his work as Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS). EngEdu Related websites:
Don’t judge me but… my review of Dance a GoGo Sexy Nightclub Workout is up on DVD Talk now. It’s true that I get to pick what I review and, yes, I picked this 3 disk box set. But I’m the only fitness reviewer so I would’ve ended up with it eventually anyway.
I looked like a straight up fool trying to do these routines–Music Video, Latin and Nightclub–and I was on the dance team for five years. Lame. The instruction is non-existent so it’s kind of hard to follow along. You might as well be watching a skanky music video and flailing your body around in time with the techno beat.
The best (read: worst) part are the tips from choreographer Andrea Lin:
1. Dressing sexy can make you fit!
2. Sitty pretty with efforts!
3. Walk in heels with style!
Yep. Sitty pretty with efforts. QUOTE.
Check out the review and let me know if you want it. I’m certainly not keeping it.
Although there are benefits from repeatedly lifting heavy weights in the gym, it can eventually become tiresome. Sometimes a strength and conditioning program needs to be changed – if only to provide a temporary break from the ‘norm’.
Kettle bells offer a refreshing alternative (visit www.fitness-shop.com.au for their large range). Sure, they don’t develop pure strength, but they can provide improved conditioning, particularly as an aerobic workout can be incorporated into a kettle bell routine.
I developed my own program, which combined short sprints (20 m) with kettle bell exercises. These exercise could focus on specific muscle groups, e.g. hammer curl, tricep extension, etc., but could also include compound exercises (those that require the use of more than one muscle group (e.g. Turkish get Up, French walk, rolling squat, pullover and snatch, etc.). Even finding various ways of throwing the kettle bells keeps the routine interesting.
All of my routines are performed outside, which allows a more varied program. The confines of a gym, or your own garage, have their benefits, but can limit the exercises you can perform. And not only will you find your workouts interesting, so will people who happen to walk by!
Below are some examples that form part of my routine:
1) Sprint 20 m; turn back; 10 reps of a particular exercise (e.g. chest); rest 20 seconds;
Repeat for back, bicep, tricep, shoulder
2) Circuits: 5 – 7 exercises (predominantly compound); sets of 10 reps; 15 seconds between exercises
These workouts can really test (and improve) strength and endurance. It can provide many benefits for people who play sports, rather than lifting weights in the gym. Personally I continue to lift weights, and incorporate kettle bell training, in my program. This help to build strength and endurance, and reduce boredom.
The main issue to be aware of, I found, was the possibility of shoulder and wrist injuries. Providing you don’t use kettle bells that are too heavy, and you know how to correctly execute each exercise, you can limit the likelihood of injury. There are plenty of great web sites that give you ideas for exercises to use, and descriptions and videos to help you perform them.
One pair of kettle bells can be used by one person, or shared among several, in any one session. You don’t have to stand around while you wait for someone to finish using the kettle bells (as often occurs while waiting for equipment in the gym) – just go for some sprints, or perform other body weight resistance exercises while you wait!
So I finally cracked and decided to start a blog. I don’t know who will be reading this, if anyone at all, but regardless I decided there are some things I wouldn’t mind sharing with the world. So i’ll pop my blogging cherry with a 6 WEEK CHALLENGE ALERT!!!
A couple of my friends and I will be heading to Vegas for spring break and as with every trip we plan, everyone has all of a sudden gotten the urge to start working out. So to make things interesting we decided to have a 6 week challenge because well thats how much time is left before we embark on our sin city road trip. For the sake of competition, and to keep myself in check, i will be putting two pics up of my starting point and then later down the short road to fitness. This is not a fitness blog so don’t be scared, and don’t roll your eyes just yet. Feel free to ridicule, laugh, help, or just simply read and enjoy.
I mentioned last week that I’ll be walking/running a half marathon in March. I’m all signed up and am excited and nervous about my first event of this sort. I’m just happy I’ll be doing it with a friend!
If you think you might have lost your mind too and would like to sign up you can do it here. If you decide to run/walk…let me know so Sara and I can look for you! Just in case you’re not in the Dallas area, these evenst are hosted all over the country! Go here to find a list of cities hosting the Rock n’ Roll half marathon this year!
Five-Spice Turkey & Lettuce Wraps From EatingWell: June/July 2006
4 servings, 1 1/4 cups filling each Active Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup instant brown rice
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 pound 93%-lean ground turkey
1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
1 large red bell pepper, finely diced
1 8-ounce can water chestnuts, rinsed and chopped
1/2 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth
2 tablespoons hoisin sauce, (see Note)
1 teaspoon five-spice powder, (see Note)
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 heads Boston lettuce, leaves separated
1/2 cup chopped fresh herbs, such as cilantro, basil, mint and/or chives
1 large carrot, shredded
1.Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan. Add rice; reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat.
2.Meanwhile, heat oil in a large nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Add turkey and ginger; cook, crumbling with a wooden spoon, until the turkey is cooked through, about 6 minutes. Stir in the cooked rice, bell pepper, water chestnuts, broth, hoisin sauce, five-spice powder and salt; cook until heated through, about 1 minute.
3.To serve, spoon portions of the turkey mixture into lettuce leaves, top with herbs and carrot and roll into wraps.
Tips & Notes
Make Ahead Tip: Prepare the filling (through Step 2), cover and refrigerate for up to 1 day. Serve cold or reheat in the microwave.
Notes: Hoisin sauce is a spicy, sweet sauce made from soybeans, chiles, garlic and spices. It will keep in the refrigerator for at least a year.
Often a blend of cinnamon, cloves, fennel seed, star anise and Szechuan peppercorns, five-spice powder was originally considered a cure-all miracle blend encompassing the five elements (sour, bitter, sweet, pungent, salty). Look for it in the supermarket spice section.
Per serving: 285 calories; 11 g fat (3 g sat, 1 g mono); 66 mg cholesterol; 24 g carbohydrates; 26 g protein; 5 g fiber; 543 mg sodium; 390 mg potassium.
Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (150% daily value), Vitamin C (140% dv), Iron (25% dv), Folate (20% dv).
Jillian #3…ahhh…how I missed you since yesterday. Well…not really. But knowing that Mr. Trainer’s workouts are coming up in just 7 days, I think I’ll appreciate how relatively easy Jillian was!
When I saw him yesterday, he told me that all of the workouts that he gave me were the beginners stuff. Oh! I can’t wait for the advanced stuff! When I met him, I thought he was a male Jessica Rabbit! All biceps and pecs, and no waist! If anyone knows how to whip me in shape, he’ll know how! Exciiitting! =)
Today, I went to Kinkos to make a couple gift certificates for my business. By the way, I hate the Fed ExKinkos new name..I think it’s going to be FedEx Office now…ick! Kinko’s was a HUGE name. Everybody knew it! Why change to a name that’s worse? At least FedEx Kinkos still had the Kinkos in it! But I digress..
The Gift Certificates are pretty. Although, I don’t think I’ll use more than one or two. I’m going to change to sending them out through email. I came up with a great numbering system, and I can just fill in the fields, and email it right over. No printing, no mailing, no envelopes…none of it. =) But it was still neat having the newly designed gift certificates in my hand.
If I ever DO want to continue mailing out gift certificates, I have a great design now! It was actually a design that the GLT magazine created from my logo to fit a different space.
Oh! Found the COOLEST song today! I discovered it on Season 8 of “Dancing with the Stars” that Shawn Johnson danced to for the finale free dance. It’s called “Move Your Thing” by Basement Jaxx. It’s now in all of my workout lists, and happy stuff!
If you read the lyrics to “Move Your Thing” it’s actually about sex..it’s quite obvious…but it’s the BOUNCIEST sex ever! Like, go have sex in a inflated jumping house, with all of the plastic balls when you play this song! So happy! =)
I spent a lot of time on the phone with my financial peeps who run all of the credit card processing from my business…and we went through the whole virtual terminal thing, and how to check batches, and how to approve things…basically just how to make sure the money ends up in my bank account as quick as possible. I’m still no computer program genius, but I think I understand the basics now!
I also talked to Jim about more advertising stuff to do at the office space….it doesn’t cost anything except money.
So, today is Ash Wednesday and Hubby came home early because he went to church and got the ashes smudged on his forehead. I came downstairs, and said “Heya!”, and then I cleaned up for him. I had meant to clean up all day, and I had said that I would…so it was only fair.
In any case, he was happy that I cleaned up, and I was very positive about him. At this point we still hadn’t solved anything about yesterday (if you missed it, it’s worth the read), but I was keeping a positive voice, because really, what’s the pont of being a bitch? Ya know?
So, long story short, apologies were had, quietly, and somewhat reservedly…but it is what it is. I apologized for eating his chicken, and he apologized for the abuse. But that’s not the end of it.
I don’t want to report every single little detail of my relationship on here (I lie), but I just want to say that tonight was a little bit challenging because Hubby is sad. He’s not sure about us, or about things working out. My main point was that anything is possible, and all it takes is deciding to see it through with a good attitude!
I don’t have a guarantee that we’re both up to it, or that I’m right. I don’t know what’s going to happen in a month, or six…but I know that there’s hope with a good attitude. Hubby has trouble with that. I hope he comes around. I really do. But I can understand the mood that’s in the air, and how easy it is to feel like the negative vibes are never going to end. A lot of people in relationships feel like that. =(
So, I made some points, tried to help him as best I could…he said that a few of the practical things I said helped…I’m glad. So, I’m going to leave the rest of it alone for now. It will either improve or it won’t. But in either case, magnifying the worst in one another won’t help anything. I’m committed to looking toward the positive in hopes that it will grow!
“Ready! Okay!” I went Joggin with Leo! Awesome! He was ready for it! He remembers the joggin…it’s been a couple of weeks I imagine, since our last venture out. Well, he was sprinting out in front of me the entire 30 minutes! It was like “Bring it on Daddy!” And I was very proud of him!
On the way up the massive hill that I live on top of, that’s the only place he faltered a bit…he was tired. But I started shouting more and more, “You can do it Leo! Come on! Push! Push! Push! Push! Left, Right! Left, Right! Let’s go Soldier! Come on BABY! YOU CAN MAKE IT! AAAHH!!!”
I had originally just been using quieter language…but I realized that since I was embarassed when someone overheard me talking to him, there was nowhere to go except through that stupid fear! So, I just let loose, and many people in their cars and such were pointing and laughing! Those of you familiar with this blog know that I’m not jogging correctly unless I’m being pointed at and laughed at! LOL
And my encouragement didn’t just help Leo! Nope! I got up that hill in record time! I was like “Let loose my inner Jillian Michaels!”, and it worked!
I found a new way of running, btw. I think I mentioned it on here before, but tonight was the first time I did it for the entire thirty minutes! I’m now running from my midsole, and I’m finding it much easier on my knees. I read about how most people do the whole “heel strike” thing, and how shoes are now designed for that…but that it’s amazingly hard on the body.
So, I’m committed to trying to run on my midsole, and to lessen the impact up and down my spine. Maybe I’ll even learn how to run without shoes at all. Many of the greatest marathon runners have done that, especially those from the African countries.
Funny story about that: This one famous African runner was endorsed by Nike or something…but he doesn’t wear shoes. So they just hung around his neck for the entire race! (He won too!) Ha!
I found that I was much lighter, bouncier, and had more energy in my joints somehow, because it was a smoother experience all around. I felt like that “Flashdance” chick, when she does those leg beats really fast in one spot. I actually did that move a lot. I didn’t have to run as fast, because my knees were coming up so high, and I was really working my cardio and burnin, like a smooth, frictionless love machine! (Oh shut up…I’m allowed some fantasies)
Speaking of being a love machine though….well, like I said I’m not going to tell every single detail of my marriage. I’m just going to allude to it, and pretend that I’m modest. Oh! Shocking!
But I will say this: Nobody is perfect. I think that people do the best that they can in every moment, and that the learning curve is littered with people who gave up on themselves. Well I’m not giving up on Hubby until he tells me to, and I’m not giving up on myself either. It’s HARD to change, and I can understand how challening and scary it can feel.
That doesn’t mean, however, that I’m going to stand for anymore bullshit abuse, and I haven’t….but a solid effort to move forward and save the good things in my marriage is worth the effort.
If my marriage can be saved I’ll be quite happy, because that will mean that the positive things will be at the forefront, and the positive things are magnified. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll be sad, but also relieved I suppose. Because that will mean that the negative won out, and there wasn’t much of a choice except misery by staying.
And like I said…everyone is human. I hope that I improve in the ways Hubby needs me to, and I hope that he does the same for me.
So tonight (it’s almost midnight now) I’m feeling healthy, hydrated, alive and happy…you could almost say I’m glowing! Well, to coin a new expression that I used tonight “Happy is a choice.” And tonight I’ve chosen it.
Wish me luck, and I’ll write more tomorrow! “To infinity and beyond!” (Name it)
Did I mention how stoked I am about the triathalon? Me doing a triathalon? I LOVE seeing myself in that light! Capable….shocking!
PS. I’ve stolen the idea from that amazing show starring Glen Close, “Damages”, and I’m naming my daily blogs after a selected quote contained within it. =)
Physically active with a sedentary lifestyle: Are you at risk?
As most individuals recognize, physical inactivity has been shown to increase the number of deaths from all-causes, as well as from heart disease and cancer. But what about individuals who meet the physical activity recommendations but spend most of the day sitting? Does all that sitting have a negative impact on health?
A study performed by Dr. Katzmarzyk1 and his associates (2009) examined the effects of prolonged sitting on all-cause and cardiovascular death rates in individuals who exercised and those who did not. The researchers collected information about daily activities including time spent sitting in over 17,000 individuals. They followed the subjects for an average of 12 years measuring the number of deaths and the cause.
Not surprising, researchers reported the highest death rates in persons who spent most of the day sitting. However, all-cause and heart disease death rates were also higher in persons who spent more time sitting even if they met the recommended physical activity requirements. In fact, death rates were similar in exercisers and nonexercisers who spent most of their day sitting.
Researchers are studying the effects of excessive sitting on the body. Some of the negative effects include Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Scientists believe that an active lifestyle may provide different health benefits than occur with exercise alone, providing further protection against heart disease.
This research highlights the need to reduce sedentary behaviors by spending more time standing, walking, and climbing the stairs. Low intensity activities like cleaning, ironing, walking the dog and yard work are excellent ways to add activity to your day while completing chores on your ”to-do” list. For additional health benefits, focus on increasing lifestyle activities over and above structured moderate to vigorous intensity exercise bouts.
1. Katzmarzyk, P.T., Church, T.S., Craig, C.L., & Bouchard, C. (2009). Sitting time and Mortality from All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer. MSSE, 41(5),998-1005.
So after a weekend of research in to the type of career which will not involve me working all day every day in the same room and with no exercise, I narrowed my choices down to the police, or one of the armed forces. Upon further research of that, I narrowed it down to the police or the RAF. Both require a basic level of fitness to be accepted, though one is much higher than the other.
After much though, consideration, reading and quizzes available online I decided that I will work towards a career in the RAF. Not a fighting front line one, but a more sensible one where I will be managing people and resources. I’ll still have desk work, and I will still get out and about.
What does this mean for my fitness and weight loss plan? Quite simply that it needs a radical overhaul to meet the needs of the assessment. The basic requirements for what I want to be doing are:
As many 20m shuttle runs as possible, in time with an increasing timed beep
As many press-ups as possible in 60 seconds
As many sit-ups as possible in 60 seconds
Having spoken to someone today about a career in the RAF, they told me that the press-up minimum standard is around 15, and the sit-up minimum is around 20. Whilst this may not seem like much, I can’t do more than 2 press-ups at the moment, let alone go for a minute. As for the sit ups, they aren’t much better, thou I am half way there with 10. I can, however do 23 half press-ups in a minute, so I am going to work on those and build up from there.
The shuttle run beep test they said is around about the same level of fitness required to run a mile and a half in about 12 minutes. That seems fine as I can do a 5 minute 30 second mile. This means I should be able to get through a mile and a half in around 10 minutes. That is something I will test at the gym this week.
I’ll be at the gym tomorrow night after work, as usual, so I will see if I can get in for a program re-assessment to help me build my fitness quicker, build my muscle a little to do the weight bearing exercises, and also strengthen my core muscles to help support my growth and prevent injury. I’ll post my new plan on here when I get it.
I know these are some big changes for me, but there is no specific time frame for me to do these. I won’t formally start my application process until I can meet the minimum requirements, or get very close to them. That way I won’t have to be rejected and wait 3-6 months before I can try again. I’m hoping I can submit an application form in late May or early June, and take everything from there.
If you are training for professional or amateur wrestling it is very important to have the right equipment that helps you to gain wrestling strength.
The following can be helpful for getting started:
Brief Workouts
The workouts should never exceed 35 minutes in duration, as If they do, you aren’t working hard enough to complete your workout. The ability to recuperate from the workouts, and therefore develop more strength, is increased when you complete your workout within the stipulated time. Long and strenuous workouts will eventually cut into your body’s ability to recuperate, and lead to over-training.
Using Machines and Free Weights
There is a common misconception amongst athletes and coaches that you must use free weights when strength training. Free weights are great! So are machines! Your muscles don’t know the difference. The intensity is the most important thing when trying to improve your strength for wrestling. The tool that you use to get there is not. I like certain exercises for certain muscles. It also depends on injuries that a wrestler might already have. You can work around and injury and still give the body a thorough strength workout. If you have access to Hammer Strength machines, I highly recommend that you include them in your wrestling strength workout.
Using thick bar
The thick bar is usually a hollow metal tube that you put free weights on the end of. A thick bar forces you to hold on tightly when performing exercises. It develops fantastic forearm and hand strength. It should be part of every serious strength-training program for wrestlers. You can do curls, reverse curls, rows, and presses with it.
The Trap Bar
The trap bar another piece of equipment that helps to gain wrestling strength. The trap bar is a hexagonally shaped bar that allows you to perform dead lifts with maximal stimulation of almost every muscle vital to improved wrestling performance. An exercise that will make your entire body stronger.
“Michelle I have spoke to you over e-mail a few times and read your blog. I see how important it is for you to lose weight and develop a healthy lifestyle.
We are going to start from the beginning, I’m going to have you do a postural assessment, Lifestyle questionnaires, stress evaluation, nutrition questionnaires..etc. This way I know exactly where we are starting from. Then I’m going to coach/educate you about your unique lifestyle and develop a nutrition program, exercise program, that will work with your lifestyle to help you reach your goal(s). I develop each and every program specifically for the needs of the person I’m working with. I will be assessing you each and every session to make sure you are on track working towards your goals. I will be modifying your program as needed to make sure you stay on track. We will be developing specific measurable goal(s) for you and an action plan on how we’re going to accomplish them.”
That’s my action plan, I can’t wait to see you on Tuesday”
Adding Brandon to my mix will allow me to look at my unique health situation that does include life long allergies, high blood pressure and some depression. Then look at my sleep patterns , my hobbies, my stress levels in life and then customize things for me that will be truly suited to my life and needs. The approach will stay the same overall clearly I want to avoid processed foods and diet foods and junk food, its just fine tuning for me!! I will continue to use Usana products in my mix as I truly see that as a quality company in the supplement world and when you have a 5 star company on your side there is no reason to change!!
I will introduce my team to you all over the next week so you can get to know the wonderful people i am surrounded by and they may inspire you too!
Baby Blue: Jennifer Blundell is destined to be a splashing success.
Another outstanding discovery out of the Northwest, Jennifer Blundell is a 31-year-old personal trainer and figure girl from Bellevue, Washington. The inspired mother of two launched her competitive career in 2008 at the Vancouver USA Natural Classic, taking first in her class. She’s also a University of Washington alum and a nutritional coach and product specialist.
Last fall, Jennifer celebrated her NPC Nationals debut but missed the cut in a crowded class-D that included over thirty of the best amateurs. Still, competing at perhaps the toughest national-level event of the season is a positive for any sophomore figure girl and given her highly impressive athletic track record, this striking 5-foot-5 brunette likely won’t be lost in the shuffle next time.
Splash Hit: The latest figure dream girl reacts to the crashing surf during her shoot.
Among her achievements in an extensive sports background covering the last fifteen-plus years, Jennifer was a high school soccer all-star and went on to coach camps for younger players, teaching the fundamentals of the game to kids 12-and-under. She has also been active in tennis, softball, golf and skiing.
But the area Jennifer has overwhelmingly excelled in has been track and field, where the gifted athlete was once a Junior Olympic state champion in the 100-yard dash and finished second in the 200-yard dash. Talk about an intense rivalry, Jennifer was so dominant in her days as a sprinter that it left some opponents exasperated — the most rankled of whom would actually try to incite fights with her away from the track!
Fortunately, the fight for Jennifer down in the Sunshine State last November was a polite one amongst photographers scrambling to get her knockout good looks, winning personality and contest-shape physique — highlighted by a mighty back, powerful shoulders and strikingly detailed vascularity — in front of the lens. Luckily, before she made a splash indoors on the national stage, Jennifer was out getting her feet wet posing on the beach, as you’ll see in this picturesque sample clip.
Seaside Muscle: Statuesque Jennifer gazes out over the Atlantic.
In terms of providing overwhelming visual delight, the sumptuous sights from Florida — towering seaside resorts, swaying palm trees, golden sandy beaches and breathtaking ocean vistas — make this one of the best shoots ever, with waves crashing against the curvy feminine muscle of beautiful Jennifer Blundell at the center of a magical tableau.
I hate the term diet, as soon as I tell myself I’m going on a diet all I want to do is eat chocolate, crisps and sweets. So, no diets here. This doesn’t mean I don’t want to eat better because I do, it just means I’m not going to ban anything, or count calories, or only eat before 8pm, or any of those things. I’m not saying those things don’t work, they’re just not for me.
I want to eat more wholefoods, not just foods that tell me they’re wholegrain (like boxed breakfast cereals that are full of sugar and additives), but actual whole foods. Brown rice (which I already eat by the ton, I love the taste and it’s so much more filling than white), I also want to eat other grains (quinoa, barley, amaranth, millet, couscous, buckwheat, etc), I buy them stick them in a cupboard and never use them, I want to try using them. There’s a multitude of meals I can make using these wholesome foods, I just have to be bothered to do it.
I also want to increase my consumption of fruit and veg, it’s already well above the national average, and higher than the recommended 5-a-day, but I used to eat loads more than I do now, and I want to get back to doing that. When I ate more fruit and veg, I felt better, my skin was nicer and I found it easier to lose weight. In with this goal is to drink more water, or fresh fruit juice, and cut down on fizzy pop (soda) and dilute drinks that are full of rubbish.
I would like to cut down on my meat consumption. I used to be vegetarian (I was even vegan for 18 months) but somewhere along the line meat started to creep back in, I enjoy eating it at the time but it leaves me feeling sluggish, bloated and icky. I don’t plan to go back to being vegetarian because I don’t think it’s the right decision for me at this time, but I definitely need to cut back on the amount of meat I eat. I want to have a few meat-free days a week and try to have fish as opposed to meat on some of the other days.
Tying all these together is my next goal; I want to try a new recipe each week and I’d like these to be as simple and natural as possible, nothing overly complicated or fancy just good ingredients cooked simply.
Now that I’m working and have a bit more freedom, there are a few things I wanna do. Over the last few weeks, I’ve FINALLY got to the weight I wanted to get to (and now, I’m gonna have a battle staying there – dunno whether I’m gonna put more on or lose it again) and I’m gonna start following a plan because I need some muscle definition and I want to be more toned (I actually really wanna be like Jazz). Chris is my inspiration because he’s changing his life and I’m so looking forward to his work suits
I want to do:
Tae Bo
Ice skating
As I don’t like lifts (an actual phobia), I use the stairs at work so that’ll help with my fitness too! If I can get up early enough, I can go jogging once around the park with Daniel before work and if not, I can go after with him – I think he’s looking forward to it! Hopefully as time goes on, I can run further. I just know that on the first time out, I’ll die before we get back to the top of the park! Charlie said he’ll do Tae Bo with me (I think he needs to get his aggression out too) and we’ll need space to do it because it’s a cross between boxing and taekwondo as well as being cardovascular aerobics which are hard but they work. Hardwork Maybe the pair of them can come ice skating with me too!
I’m gonna be so busy. Also I wanna do my Interior Design course too. Sigh.
Cycling isn’t only fun, it’s a tough workout that tones your legs, bum and abs. Just make sure you wear a helmet.
the workout
For those of us who don’t like exercising indoors, cycling is a great way to take in Mother Nature while working out. Riding with friends or family, running errands or just getting some fresh air can turn your much-dreaded exercise hour into a desired activity.
Biking is one of the best fitness activities for families to enjoy together. It is also the one workout that allows you to cover some real distance. Most cities and parks have marked-off bike trails so you can ride without worrying about hitting a runner or rollerblader.
More than most outdoor activities, bicycling is subject to the whims of the weather. High speeds and slick roads don’t mix well, so be extra careful if you’re riding in less-than-favourable conditions.
gear: a bike, padded shorts, helmet.
instruction/facilities: a well-marked bike path.
time: it takes time to get warmed up, so count on being bike-bound for at least half an hour.
the pros say
• If you’re going to stay on relatively smooth roads, get a road bike. Otherwise, for rougher roads including city streets, consider a ‘hybrid’ bike with slightly larger wheels.
• The right bike setup is crucial for comfort during long rides. On a road or hybrid bike, set the handlebars about an inch lower than the saddle. Unless you’re a racer, don’t set the handlebars any lower or you’ll put undue strain on your back. For mountain bikes, set the handlebars around two to four inches lower than the saddle, and make sure your seat is level.
• Buy your bike from a reputable bike shop, and make friends with your dealer. Repairs and upgrades are a lot easier when you have a buddy in the business.
If you’re on the road like I’ve been this week, you likely haven’ t seen your gym in a while. With a fitness band that takes up minimal suitcase space, you can do a million exercises on the go. This one is one of my absolute favorites!
Muscles Worked: Legs, biceps, triceps
You will need: A fitness band
Time to complete: 3 minutes
1. Step on the band with feet 6″ apart
2. Lower into a narrow squat, and curl biceps forward (image 1)
3. Push through the heels and stand up, while contracting triceps into a kick back
4. Complete 20+ at a good pace
Video Version! http://www.youtube.com/user/TheGymCoachDotCom#p/a/u/0/pNAujq-4LRY
Runescape is just a game. In this post I will show you a simple way to get fit and stay fit while playing runescape.
When it comes to creating new ideas for working out many people are at a loss so they follow the same routine and either get too comfortable and hardly see any results or they become bored so they stop working out all together. Don’t let this happen to you. Here is a fun idea that will vary your workout and still give you great results: use a deck of face cards. It sounds crazy but it will really work to help you build strength and start losing some extra pounds.
The Exercises
There are three different exercises you’ll do in order to target three different areas on your body.
-pushups for chest
-squats for legs
-crunches for abdominal
All of these are going to be free standing so you won’t need anything more than some space, your cards, your body and the right attitude before you’ll start getting in shape.
The Cards
Take your deck of cards—jokers and all—and shuffle it. The reps you do for each exercise will depend on the number—or face card—shown on the card you flip over first. For face card values:
-Joker 15
-Ace 14
-King 13
-Queen 12
-Jack 11
There are many different ways you can do your exercises. My favorite way is easy to remember because you’ll have a set order of your exercises. For example, you’ll flip a card and do pushups then the next card will be squats and the third card will be crunches repeating that order. This offers a great variety because you’ll have different reps for each exercise each day.
Let’s not dissemble and at once define that employment by fitness at home, even at a regularity and diligence from your party cannot be compared with high-grade trainings in sports hall. However if to look at a problem so to say with another sight the fitness at home is better than an absolute indifference to the appearance.
In a life of each woman there are such situations when she cannot simply find for herself a pair of hours on a campaign in fitness club. The birth of the child and the first year of his life, his education or even removed works – these and other factors complicate a life that even do not think about time for fitness.
And after all you would not like to be beautiful tightened lady and later to turn in indistinct grandmother. And any man will never estimate that you have ceased to watch yourself not because of laziness but because you was occupied every minute by creation of a good life for him and his children.
Therefore, today we make not two dishes for a supper but only one and the liberated minutes we spend for yourselves favourite. Employment by house fitness can be spent using a minimum of make-shifts. Any even house training begin with warm-up and an extension. Recollect elementary grades at school and try to execute simple exercises. Ten inclinations in every which way, circular motions hands, as knee-bends and you are ready to sports feats.
Practically all young ladies have problems with a press. Therefore study a house press in the beginning of each employment by fitness. Twisting lying feet on a sofa. (Beds, a bench or all that you will find in house). You lay down on a floor, you put feet on a sofa of 80-90 degrees. Hands are crossed on a breast or behind a head. Also you start to do twisting forward so to develop practically half-and-half. In the opposite direction strongly do not deviate – the amplitude of movement should be very small. Three-four approaches to the full is «the gold standard» in this exercise.
Twisting lateral, lying on a floor. You keep within on a floor on shovels and to the priest together with feet you turn on 90 degrees. Top of your body lies on a back and everything that more low to a waist on one side. Of this position you do twisting strenuously trying to work as lateral muscles of an abdominal tension. Three-four approaches on each party till 15-20 repetitions in everyone will be more than enough.
It is possible to diversify house fitness especially widely it concerns exercises on a press if to get feetbal. By means of it house trainings will pass more intensively and cheerfully.
Obviously distance running can assist a lot with the general fitness and health of your body. So, if you are interested in the runners training guide or distance running information – please visit this site.
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My long-term goal is to lose 60 pounds. And that sounds like a lot. How can I possibly manage 60 pounds?
And then I realized something. I am already managing 60 pounds. Each day, when I walk up the steps to the office, I am managing to carry an extra 60 pounds. When I mow the lawn, or walk the aisles of the grocery store, or stand in line at the theater, I am managing to carry an extra 60 pounds. Every moment of every day, every place I go and everything I do, I’m weighed down with this extra 60 pounds.
And what I am taking away from this newfound realization? If I can manage to carry 60 pounds for so many years, I can surely manage to carry it to the gym and on to the bike and for long walks and jogs and runs. I can carry it through my workouts until, pound by pound, it goes away.
Life is busy. Between jobs, housework, family, and errands, the days fly by. Add into that the task of spending time going to the gym, and it just doesn’t seem possible for a lot of us. Home exercise equipment and exercise videos are often a great alternative to spending time and money at a gym. If you are planning to start a home exercise routine, you may be wondering what type of exercise equipment you will need to get an effective workout. Often, you will find that you can get the best deals on home exercise equipment online.
First you will need to determine what is your current level of fitness and what goals you wish to accomplish. Your budget and the types of activities you enjoy are major factors as well. If you do not enjoy the exercises you are performing it is very easy to lose interest and quit. The safety of the exercise equipment and the amount of space you have in which to store and use the equipment is also a major concern.
Some of the different types of home exercise equipment are treadmills, elliptical trainers, stationery bicycles, cross-country ski machines, and free weights.
* Treadmills are very popular for use in the home. You can purchase a treadmill in any price range and with basic to advanced functions. You will need a treadmill with solid construction, smooth walking action, a wide belt, incline setting, and a safety cut-off. Make sure you understand the warranty and availability of replacements parts before making your purchase.
* An elliptical trainer gives you a comfortable, non-impact way to exercise and almost anyone can do it. You will be able to adjust the intensity and resistance to fit your current fitness level and change the settings as you progress in your exercise routine. Elliptical trainers vary in price and you should check out several models before making a purchase to make sure you find the best deal that you can possibly find on a well-constructed machine that carries an excellent warranty.
* Stationary bikes give you a no-impact, comfortable way to exercise and will take up very little space. Exercise bikes are great for those who have been leading a sedentary lifestyle and are just beginning an exercise program.
* You may also want to consider a step machine. Steppers give you a great cardio-vascular workout and will help strengthen your lower body muscles.
* Cross-country ski machines and rowing machines are a great way to exercise at home. You can get a full body workout in the comfort of your own home, but be sure to try these machines before you purchase. The workout you receive with a cross-country or rowing machine can be intense and may not be suited for beginners.
* Free-weights and other resistance equipment are great for toning muscles and improving strength and require very little space.
Before you make any purchases determine which kinds of equipment will be the best for you and what your particular goals are in starting a home workout routine. Compare prices, warranties, and consumer reviews for the exercise equipment you are considering purchasing to make sure it fits your needs, your budget, and is safe for you to use.
Most types of exercise equipment that you can use in your home will work great if you use it on a regular basis. Decide what your goals are and what your budget will allow before you begin shopping for new exercise equipment and purchase the types that you will find fun and challenging to use.