Saturday, September 12, 2009

Are so called energy drinks really giving your bodies energy? Part 1

The energy drink business is a billion dollar business and there are about 200 different drinks on the market today.

Dee Rollins, R.D., PhD, dietitian with Baylor Regional Medical Center at Grapevine says, “400 milligrams of caffeine a day is the upper limit” of the recommended daily allowance. This can be worked out to roughly, 1 energy drink or 2 cups of coffee. This can causes jitteriness, nausea, flu like symptoms and heart palpitations.

To add to the caffeine overdose that can cause flu like symptoms you are drink a liquid that is close to being pure acid that has the ability to burn through metal. All energy drinks have a pH of around 2.5 to 3.5.

This means that instead of complimenting your body it is causing it to ionize the acids with its elemental buffers such as calcium from your bones and magnesium from your muscles. Bringing a loss of energy not a gain in energy.

The high that energy drinks give you is a reaction of releasing alkaline buffers to neutralize the acid and when the neutralizing is over comes the energy low. To add insult to injury the energy drinks also contain another harmful acid, carbonic acid, which can be especially detrimental to diabetics and people suffering with high blood pressure.

So what is the answer?

As you exercise your uses up a tremendous amount of electrons to maintain the alkaline design of the body. When electrons are consumed acid is produced and this acid need to be removed.

This requires sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the increase in metabolic acid, by drinking bicarbonates before, during and after exercise will reduce the amount of muscle soreness you experience. This approach will reduce lactic acidosis and increase recovery time.

As I have said before our body will do all it can to maintain its alkaline design pH of 7.365. When your body is physically stressed more acid is produced and the body will begin to convert sodium from the blood to potassium.

This will help maintain the slightly alkaline design of the body more efficiently and effectively. A state of health, energy and fitness cannot be maintained without mineral salts especially sodium.

Thank you for taking the time to read part 1 of this article, I hope you were able to understand it. Please do question these thoughts and do your own research they my current findings from the research I have completed thus far.

Part 2 coming shortly…..


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