Sunday, December 20, 2009

A little thing I like to call dedication

"I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration, I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized. If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming."


It’s a long quote, I know. But the lovely Erin posted it on her Spark Page recently and it has had me thinking. I bet if you take a minute to read through the whole thing you will take something away from it, too.

What did I get from Goethe’s quote? Change, of any kind, has to start with me. Whether that change is the daily choices I make to live a healthier life or if it’s spurring someone else on towards becoming a better version of themselves… it all starts with me. I can so quickly forget how powerful I am as a human being.



I had a wonderful bowl of oatmeal this morning. If it looks extra soupier than usual, it’s because I stirred in half a cup of milk once my oats finished cooking. Banana-blueberry oats are a winner in my book!


I enjoyed an apple and some pb for a mid-morning snack and chowed down on this creation around 1 p.m.


A tuna sandwich (green onion, basil sauce, mustard, and a slice of cheddar cheese) with broccoli and parmesan cheese on the side. J swore the sandwich looked like what a baby does in it’s diaper. I can assure you it did not taste like that.

The basil sauce (basically it was just pesto) really was a great addition. I’m so glad I thought to add that in at the last second!

10K Training

We went grocery shopping EARLY this morning to leave me plenty of time for running this afternoon, when the temperature was set to reach a daily high of 47 degrees Fahrenheit. I sat around for way too long today thinking about how bad the cold was going to suck when it was time to run.

At one point I had even talked myself out of running today. Um, there were 7 long miles on the calendar. Pretty sure you aren’t supposed to skip long runs. But I was going to.

Until I realized that this was a “make it or break it” moment. The temperature is not going to start warming up until AFTER my 10K. If I start skipping runs now when it’s close to 50 degrees out, what am I going to do in February when it’s in the low 30’s? I sucked it up and got dressed to run after pondering that thought for a moment.


Check me out rockin’ the headband in the park bathroom.

Anyway. So, the point is I did it. I went out and I ran my 7 miles, for better and for worse. Yes it was cold. Yes that sucked. But what didn’t suck was the fact that I averaged 9:30 miles on a long run without trying. Speedwork has been paying off big time!

Basically, I’ve realized if I want to achieve my 10K goal of hitting top 100 women, I have to keep moving… even when it’s cold!



Post-run I devoured two mikan and what was left of the grapes from last week’s grocery shopping. The grapes were starting to shrivel up and look pretty pitiful, but they still tasted yummy.

Weekend Recap

After waking up to earthquakes with an earache on Friday morning, it sure has been an interesting weekend. I think most of the aftershock is over, thankfully, and I’ve spent most of my weekend relaxing. Christmas shopping is complete, my long run for the week is complete, and I netted 12 hours of sleep on Friday night. What more could I ask for?


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