Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Aerobic Exercise and Good Health.

When Jane Fonda’s aerobic exercise cassettes hit the market 3 decades ago the whole world got to know about aerobics and how to lose weight fast. Least did we realize that aerobics is nothing but simple exercises that help the heart rate to hasten, helping in reduction of fat. Whether you take a stroll at the malls or walk on the beach or cycling to work. Aerobics helps one and all to lose weight and keep fit. Here are 4 exercises that’ll sure help you to lose weight fast.If you want to do an easy workout, then avoid these. These will have you panting for air… big time. Here’s how you do them. Just squat up and down as fast as possible. Two key things to remember… keep your back as straight as possible and touch or swipe your finger tips on the floor during each repetition. By touching your finger tips to the floor you know you aren’t cheating the movement and you’re going down all the way.

The more muscles that move during a workout, the higher the chances of expending more calories. Since aerobic exercises employ most large groups of muscles in the body, it is likely that you can create the suitable environment for losing more fats. Take low-paced jogging for example. Because virtually all lower body muscles and some upper body muscles are used through jogging, a person who does this workout can expend around 300 calories within 30 minutes. This number of calories slashes off significant amounts of fat in your body. Coupled with other exercises that are more demanding, you can actually use up more calories than you take in.

The key to an aerobics workout is to get your heart rate elevated at least 20 minutes, with warm-up and cool-down time of 5 minutes on either side of the workout. In order for the household activities to have aerobic value, then, they must keep your body in constant motion for 30 minutes. This requires some planning but there really are enough household duties to get the job done. In fact, if you develop the habit of doing these things aerobically you may actually gain extra time because of the much faster pace. Plan your aerobic exercises (chores) so you’re doing them for 30 minutes, 3-4 days per week. To make it more fun and easier to keep active you can play some upbeat music while you’re doing you’re housework aerobics.Aerobic exercises are the most common exercises that many people start when looking to lose weight, and there is a good reason why for this. Aerobic type of exercises can be very beneficial in helping you give your entire body a workout, and most importantly exercising your heart and lungs for better and improved health. Understanding the benefits of aerobic exercise will help you see why you should start doing aerobics if you are looking to improve your level of physical fitness or lose weight efficiently.

For exercise to be truly considered cardio, it should consist of steady-state activity which uses large muscle groups in a rhythmical manner and elevates your heart rate to somewhere between 60-90% of your maximum heart rate. Generally, activities such as jogging, running, power walking, cycling, swimming, group exercise classes, rowing, and using a skipping rope are the mainstay of aerobic activities but ultimately, any activity which significantly elevates the heart rate for an extended period of time can be considered aerobic training.To be honest, the modality used makes very little difference and you should choose the one you like most/dislike least!

Visit for more useful information on aerobic exercises and eye exercises also butt exercises .

[Via http://anneyshine.wordpress.com]

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