Sunday, January 24, 2010

65.4kgs or 144 lb and 2.91 oz

The scales weren’t kind to me this morning, but I can’t really blame them. I didn’t do Body Attack in the end – I forgot my shorts at home and didn’t have enough time before heading out to collect them from home and make it back to the gym. I then went out and drank a lot of white wine as well as eating an entire pizza. I’m actually surprised the damage wasn’t worse. I headed to the gym with a cracking headache, but at least I felt a bit better about the calorific damage I inflicted on by body from last night.

Anyway, spent the day on a boat and had a lovely time if not entirely comfortable in a bikini. I had a really interesting conversation with a couple of girls about how women refer to their gym attendance and exercise. Their general point was they find it really boring when women talk about what they’ve done in the gym or what they’ve eaten. I stayed very quiet. Very quiet indeed. It did make me think ‘Do I bore all my friends?’ Since doing this blog, I’ve definitely become better with using this as my main outlet for my ‘body obsession/neurosis’, but I know that previously I used to spend a lot of time talking about what I’ve eaten, what I’m going to do in the gym, what I did in the gym, what I was going to eat. I can see why it would be boring, but unfortunately it does take up a lot of my thinking.

The conversation did bring home that not every woman thinks about their body like I do about mine. I almost feel sorry for the amount of stick I give my body. Some women even like their body – imagine that! I really did think I was pretty normal in how I viewed my body and that most women shared similar insecurities about their bodies, but it seems that really isn’t the case.

Maybe what I should try to do it stop talking about it so much, but also stop thinking about it so much. Easier said than done, but definitely something worth attempting.


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