Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Depression Linked to Processed Foods [Down & Out Cuz You're Always Eating Out?]

Per BBC News, data on diet among 3,500 middle-aged civil servants was compared with depression five years later, the British Journal of Psychiatry reported.

The team said the study was the first to look at the UK diet and depression.

They split the participants into two types of diet – those who ate a diet largely based on whole foods, which includes lots of fruit, vegetables and fish, and those who ate a mainly processed food diet, such as sweetened desserts, fried food, processed meat, refined grains and high-fat dairy products.

After accounting for factors such as gender, age, education, physical activity, smoking habits and chronic diseases, they found a significant difference in future depression risk with the different diets.

Those who ate the most whole foods had a 26% lower risk of future depression than those who at the least whole foods.

By contrast people with a diet high in processed food had a 58% higher risk of depression than those who ate very few processed foods.

It is not yet clear why some foods may protect against or increase the risk of depression but scientists think there may be a link with inflammation as with conditions such as heart disease.

Dr Andrew McCulloch, chief executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said: “This study adds to an existing body of solid research that shows the strong links between what we eat and our mental health.

He added people’s diets were becoming increasingly unhealthy.

“We are particularly concerned about those who cannot access fresh produce easily or live in areas where there are a high number of fast food restaurants and takeaways.”

I believe this study holds a lot of truth.  Whenever I start a healthy diet, I always feel better inside and out. Processed foods or Junk foods always end up making me feel heavy and lazier than usual.  Whenever I eat lots of fruits and salads, I feel lighter relative to my body and also my mind.  It’s not hard to believe that Junk foods give negative side effects to one’s mental abilities – you are what you eat, right?

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