Friday, August 28, 2009

back to the gym

So I finally got back to the gym yesterday, in part motivated by the fact that I’d paid the monthly fee for August and had so far only gone once. That was just after I got back from my week in Málaga and that same day I ended up putting my back out at the hospital. Grrr. And shortly after that I went to Zahara for ten days. If I’d known about the Zahara trip at the beginning of the month I probably would have asked the gym if I could skip a payment as I wasn’t going to be here. But after yesterday I’m glad I kept up the payments even if I only end up going a few times this month…

My gym routine for August was supposed to have been doing a bit of yoga on my own, and then some work with light dumbbells for upper body toning, some ab stuff, then doing about 15 kms on The Bike. Which was what I did that first day after Málaga and had also been my plan for yesterday. Instead I was surprised to find a pilates class going on – surprised, because I’d been told that there weren’t going to be any classes at all during August. I started backing out of the room but the instructor saw me and motioned me to join in (although it was already 15 minutes into the class) so I grabbed a big gym ball, draped myself over it and commenced doing some balancing exercises. And it was fun. I saw some of the usual yoga buddies there and after the class found out that the gym had got so many complaints about cancelling all classes in August that they put on a few pilates and aerobics classes using substitute instructors. And so I got to participate in the last pilates class for August. Afterwards I went up and rode The Bike and went home feeling quite good.

Today I’ll be going to do The Routine and will continue with that until regular classes begin again next Tuesday. Then I will go back to what I’d started doing last January: yoga on Mon-Wed-Fri and pilates Tues-Thurs. But this time I’ll go up to the weight room after those classes to continue my workout. I’m going to ask Jose Carlos to show me a half-hour routine I can do on the weight machines for general toning and I’ll also do half an hour on The Bike (or maybe Bike on Mon-Wed-Fri and Elliptical on Tues-Thurs). So I’ll be spending at least a couple of hours a morning at the gym, which I am really looking forward to.

This means I’ll have to organise my day accordingly, and I quite like the schedule I have planned for myself. I’ll get back from the gym around 11.30 and spend the rest of the morning working on my various website projects. Lunch & siesta between 2.30-4.30 (I have finally learned the value of a half-hour daily siesta) and then I’ll teach from 5.00 to 9.00. Weekends I will take long walks and ride The Bike at home. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Right, time to get off my butt and get to the gym. Catch you later.


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